International Symposium on Satellite Navigation(ISSN 2023)
- Advances, Opportunities and Challenges
November 20-22, 2023, Jiaozuo, Henan, China

Abstract submission
    Please email your abstract with Abstract_ISSN_xxx.doc to the following:
    Chendong Tian:
    Yingxiang Jiao:
Registration without abstract
    Please email registration form or following information to Mr. Lingfeng Liang:

    First Name :_____________; Last Name: _____________; Title: _____________

    Institute :_________________; Country :____________

    Address:________________ ; Post code: __________

    Email :_______________; Tel: _______________

Registration and Payment
    Regular: 300$USD or 2000 RMB; Students: 150$USD or 1000 RMB.
Payment by bank tranfer
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